Selected Publications and Presentations
- Goldsmith, N.M. (May, 2015 - 2017). Psychedelics and Death: A Brief Introduction. The Morbid Anatomy Museum, Gowanus NY, Monthly.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2016). Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development. A Chapel of Sacred Mirrors Workshop. Wappinger Falls, NY, January 23.
- Vidal, A. (2016). What is the Meaning of Life… And Death. ¿Por qué vives? Life and Death Talks podcast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_APbY6-wx8&feature=youtu.be). New York, NY, January 22.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Psychedelics and Death: A Brief Introduction. The Tarot Society of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, November 11.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Psychedelics and Death: A Brief Introduction. Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics conference, NY, October 11.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Psychedelics and Death: A Brief Introduction. Workshop, The Golden Dome School, Bearsville, NY, September 26.
- Dunne, C. (2015). Brooklyn’s Leading Psychonaut on Hallucinogens, Therapy, and ‘Glowing Orb Mounds’ (http://www.bkmag.com/2015/08/05/brooklyns-leading-psychonaut-on-hallucinogens-psychotherapy-and-glowing-orb-mounds/). Brooklyn Magazine, August 5.
- Groves, M. and Fowler, E. (2015). Journey into Psychedelic Healing (http://www.comcastro.com/nealgoldsmith/). Comcastro podcast, July 22.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Psychedelics and Death: A Brief Introduction. Breaking Convention conference (via Skype), London, England, June 12.
- Disser, N. (2015). This Therapist Advocates ‘Going Down into the Basement’ with Psychedelics.(http://bedfordandbowery.com/2015/06/this-therapist-advocates-going-down-into-the-basement-with-psychedelics/). Bedford and Bowery magazine, June 18.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Psychedelics and Death: A Brief Introduction. Church of Love, March 21.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). PSYCHEology: Psychedelics and the Study of the Soul (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L1h7QDt2jM). Science and Non-Duality conference, January 21.
- Haggerty, L. (2014). PSYCHEology: Psychedelics and the Study of the Soul (https://psychedelicsalon.com/podcast-499-psycheology-psychedelics-and-the-study-of-the-soul/). Psychedelic Salon podcast, October 25.
- Meepagala, R. (2014). Psychedelics as a Healing Modality (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-izN_KJF-Vo), Questions for People podcast, March 19.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2012). Psychedelic Love: Sex to Transcendence Psychedemia: Integrating Psychedelics in Academia conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 28.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2012). Enhancing Consciousness; Enhancing Conscience: Research, Methods, Tools. Panel discussion followed by four concurrent workshops, featuring: Rick Doblin, Ph.D., Alex and Allyson Grey, Julie Holland, M.D., Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. (moderator). New York, NY, April 14.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2012). Buddhist and Psychedelic Perspectives on Love (with Allan Badiner, and Annie Lalla, Moderator). The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art. New York, NY March 10.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2012). Psychedelic Love: A New Talk. The Entheogenic and Psychedelic Society of New York, New York, NY, February 6.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2010) Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development. (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions Press.)
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2010). Psychedelics, Psychotherapy, and Change. Horizons: Contemporary Perspectives on Psychedelics, September 25.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2010). Psychotherapy, Psychedelics, and Change. Chicago Consciousness Café (C3)/Catalyst, June 20.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2010). Psychotherapy, Psychedelics, and Change (http://www.nealgoldsmith.com/psychedelics). Psychedelic and Entheogenic Society of New York City, New York, NY: April 25.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2010). Psychedelic Therapy and Change: Research, Challenges, Implications(http://vimeo.com/12385590). Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century conference. San Jose, CA, The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, April 16.
- Irwin, J. (2009). Psychospiritual Evolution: An Interview with Dr. Neal Goldsmith (http://gnosticmedia.podOmatic.com/entry/2009-05-24T23_26_35-07_00) Gnostic Media blog. Los Angeles, CA, May 24.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2009). Psychotherapy, Psychedelics, and Change. The Open Mind Society, April 17.
- Fass, R. (2008). Psychotherapy, Psychedelics, and the Emergence of an Integral Society (http://www.maps.org/avarchive/sept26.2008_radiounamable.mp3). Radio Unnamable with Bob Fass, New York, NY: Pacifica Radio, WBAI, 99.5 FM, September 26.
- Hagan, M. (2008). Psychology and Psychedelics (http://www.mikehagan.com/2012/mp3/051208_NEAL_GOLDSMITH.mp3). RadiOrbit with Mike Hagan, Columbia, Missouri: KOPN, 89.5FM, May 12.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2008). Change: Transcendence vs. Catharsis? Poetry Science Talks, New York, NY, May 1.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2008). Missed, Mist. Poem, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Bulletin, 18(1), 35, Spring.
- Katsaounis, N. (2007). Fusion of Spirit and Science. (http://vimeo.com/751700). New York, NY: Postmodern Times, October 7.
- “Birth Order and Liberation in Marital Relationships.” Presentation, Poetry Science Talks, New York, NY, 2/8/07.
- “Yoga Psychotherapy.” Presentation, Joshua’s Place, Southampton, NY, 11/29/06.
- “Using Psychotherapy for Spiritual Development.” Presentation, Joshua’s Place, Southampton, NY, 9/17/06.
- “Dualism, Psychosynthesis and Yoga Psychotherapy.” Presentation, The Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy, Fifth Annual Conference on Spirituality, Psychotherapy and Healing: Is Spirituality Necessary for Psychological Healing? New York, NY, 5/14/05.
- “Healing.” Presentation, Poetry Science Talks, New York, NY, 2/6/03.
- “Hallucinogen Research and Practice.” Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Payne Whitney Clinic, New York Hospital and Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, 10/9/97.
- “The Use of Hallucinogens with the Dying.” Grand Rounds, Pain Management Service, Department of Neurology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 9/21/95.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2016). The Ancient History, Research Applications, and (Inevitable?) Future of Psychedelics in Human Society. Psychedelic Society of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, September 12.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Changing Psychedelics Policy. Chapter 19 in, The Psychedelic Policy Quagmire: Health, Law, Freedom, and Society (J. Harold Ellens and Thomas Roberts, Eds.) Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, August 18.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2015). Neurotransmitters and the Integral Approach to Reality (http://psypressuk.com/2015/01/23/neurotransmitters-and-the-integral-approach-to-reality/). Article, PsypressUK, January 23.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2013). Can Psychedelics Induce Lasting Change in Individuals and Society? New Life Expo, New York, NY, March 22-24.
Goldsmith, N.M. (2012). Psychedelic Therapy Research: The State of the Art: A Podcast Conversation Series, The New York Open Center New York, NY.
Psychedelic Therapy with Cancer Patients: Living as One Approaches Death. William (Bill) A. Richards, Ph.D., Lead Therapist, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Psilocybin and Cancer study. July 29.
MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Rationale, History and an Update on Ongoing Clinical Research. Michael Mithoefer, M.D., Principal Investigator, MAPS MDMA PTSD study. July 28.
Psychedelics by Prescription: A Strategy. Rick Doblin, Ph.D., Executive Director, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, July 21.
Psychedelic Therapy Research: An Introduction. Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D., July 7.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2011). The History of Psychedelic Therapy: Psychotherapy, Change and Spiritual Development. Breaking Convention conference, Canterbury, England, April 2-3.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2010). Psychedelic Research: History and Clinical Applications, with Dr. Neal Goldsmith(http://www.nealgoldsmith.com/psychedelics). Psychedelic and Entheogenic Society of New York City, New York, NY: August 1.
- Grey, A. (2008). Perils and Promise of Entheogens: An Entheologue with Alex Grey (http://www.nealgoldsmith.com/psychedelics). New York, NY: Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, February 29.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2008). Rescheduling Psychedelics: Recent History and Scenarios for the Future. Grand Rounds, Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, NYU Medical Center/Bellevue Hospital Center, April 18.
- Goldsmith, N.M. (2007). Ethical Standards for Psychedelic Emergencies (http://www.cosm.org/goldsmith/ethical.doc). New York, NY: Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, October 21.
- “The Ten Lessons of Psychedelic Psychotherapy, Rediscovered.” In Winkelman, M. and Roberts, T. (Eds.), Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogens as Treatments. New York: Praeger, 2007.
- “bin Laden, Katzinski and the ‘Borgification’ of Humanity.” Presentation, The Carriage House Talks, New York, NY, 12/6/01.
- “How The Internet Will Forever Change Work.” Invited address, American Management Association Conference on Human Resources Management, New York, NY, 4/5/98.
- Rescheduling Psilocybin: A Review of the Clinical Research. Affidavit, Municipal/Superior Court of the State of California, County of Santa Cruz, Case No. S5-04887, 12/95.
- “Regulating Psychedelic Drugs” (panel chair). (A.T. Shulgin, C. Grob, and R. Doblin, panelists.) Ninth International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, Drug Policy Foundation. Santa Monica, CA, 10/20/95.
- “The Democratization of Expertise: The Security and Ethics of Public-Private Partnership.” Invited address, The President’s Cancer Panel Meeting: The Information Superhighway: What Does It Mean For Cancer? University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland, 9/15/95.
- “Financing Mental Health: Patterns of funding and the Analysis of Costs and Benefits in Services Delivery at the State and Local Levels,” Presentation, Chronic Mental Patients in the Community conference, Harvard University Center for Policy and Management and Stanford University Center for the Advanced Study of Behavioral Science, 10/3/82.
- “Mental Health Service Delivery Systems: Social and Policy Issues.” Presentation, The Chronically Mentally Ill: Dilemmas and New Approaches conference, The Carrier Foundation, Princeton, NJ, 9/28/82.
- “The Provision of Mental Health Services to Victims.” Presentation, Eighth Annual North American Victim Services Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 9/9/82.
- “Implementing Section 455 of the Public Health Service Law Prevention and Promotion of Mental Health.” Commissioned review paper, National Institute of Mental Health, 4/1/82.
- “Collaborative Systems and Innovation: Formal Process, Virtual Organization.” Panelist, Leadership and Innovation Teleconference, The Concours Group, 4/17/01.
- Interviews with the Future: A Virtual Roundtable. Featuring John Seely Brown (Xerox chief scientist and director, Xerox PARC), Kevin Kelly (executive editor, Wired), and Andy Klein (founder, Spring Street Brewing and Wit Capital). (NY: BusinessTech, 1996).
- “Managing the Impact of Change on Individuals.” Presentation, The Conference Board 1995 Conference on Managing Change: Change Leaders, Chicago, Illinois, 10/12/95.
- “Implementing Managerial and Technological Innovation” (panel chair). Conference on the Impact of Science and the Professions in the Information Age, jointly sponsored by the U. of Pittsburgh and The Society for Knowledge Utilization and Planned Change, Pittsburgh, PA, 10/10/87.
- “The Utilization of Policy Research.” In S. Nagel (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Policy Studies. NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1983, pp. 93-115 (with R.F. Rich).
- “Competing Conceptions of Utilization: Perspectives of State Program Stakeholders.” Paper, Joint Meeting of the Evaluation Research Society and the Evaluation Network, Baltimore, MD, 10/30/82.
- “The Utilization of Evaluation Research in Community Mental Health Centers.” Commissioned review paper, National Institute of Mental Health, 6/82.
- “The Management and Utilization of R&D.” Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, V. 3, N.3, 3/82, pp. 415-436 (with R.F. Rich).
- “The Utilization of Research.” Presentation, Science and Society Committee, New York Academy of Sciences, 11/18/81.
- “The Myth of ‘Rational’ Decision Making in an Open Organizational System.” Presentation, Annual Meeting of the Evaluation Research Society, Austin, TX, 10/2/81.
Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D.
Brooklyn (DUMBO), NY
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